An Office Tenant’s Response Strategy to the Post-COVID-19 Workspace

As lockdowns are eased and the dust begins to settle on one of the most disruptive and extraordinary few months in our history, businesses can begin to take stock and decide what this new, post-Covid landscape means for them.

On the face of things, it may soon appear as if little has changed; New Zealand and Australia have been two of the most successful countries in the world at minimising the spread of coronavirus and with sporting fixtures resuming, beaches opening and gatherings once again permitted, one might be forgiven for thinking all will soon be back to normal.

However, as we have discussed in previous articles, the pandemic will have significant ramifications for the world of work. Firstly, and most obviously, there will be a financial impact; the COVID 19 pandemic is estimated to cause a $34.2 billion reduction in Australia’s GDP over the next 12 months, while New Zealand is expecting to take a 6% hit to the economy. Most firms will be looking at ways to reduce costs over the coming years, and alongside staff costs, real estate is a natural place to start looking.

Beyond the financial implications of Covid-19 though, the enforced period of lockdown has demonstrated just how flexible many industries can be when it comes to space. From financial institutions to charities, businesses in almost every sector found new ways to work, in many cases literally overnight.

There is a rare harmony between management and staff requirements in these two consequences: senior managers will be looking to make cost savings while staff may well be attracted by the more flexible approach to work they have experienced during the course of the pandemic.

At Meta 5, our work has involved helping some of the world’s best-known brands relocate offices and redesign their workplace culture to accommodate new ways of working. With so many companies now likely to significantly alter the way they work, we wanted to share our thoughts on a strategy that will help office tenants rethink the way they utilise their space in this post-COVID working environment.

How do you plan for your future workspace needs in a post-COVID-19 environment?

In our Response Strategy Guide to the Post-COVID-19 Workspace for office tenants, discover:

  • Key workplace drivers
  • Recommended 3-stage process
  • Insights into what the future of the workspace could look like

How Meta 5 can Help

Our services combine tenant advice, workplace strategy, change management, and technology consultancy, so we are ideally placed to help organisations manage the transition to the post-Covid working landscape.

We are experienced at helping tenants review and renegotiate lease terms, and can also help source new real estate opportunities in line with your goals.

We have helped some of the world’s best-known brands make successful transitions to activity-based working and other, more flexible models with our workplace strategy services. Crucial to the success is a thorough change management process, including engagement with staff and leadership groups utilising tools such as surveys, engagement workshops and assessment tools, all areas we have expertise in designing and implementing.

Our technology consultancy services will help you to understand your current and projected future requirements, and we can make recommendations based on these needs.

By integrating these diverse but essential services, we are able to offer a holistic, fluid and timely transition into the new way of working that the Covid-19 pandemic will bring for so many businesses. To find out more about how we might be able to help, contact us here.


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